SXSW 2018: The Future of AI Assistants

Alexa, Google Home, Siri, and Cortana will learn to adjust to your changing life Photo: Stephen Barnes/Technology/Alamy In the years to come, what will be the biggest improvement in AI-powered digital assistants? It’s likely to be the ability to accommodate a fundamental aspect of being human: The fact that we all have different personas, we show different facets of ourselves depending on where we are and who we are with, and our personas change over time. And different personas want different things from their AI assistants. Assistants that can understand your personal circumstances are less likely to remind you to pick up your rash prescription as you drive by the pharmacy if there are other people in the car, bug you about work email at home, or keep suggesting fun nightclubs if you’ve just had a baby. That was the message from Sunday’s panel on “Designing the Next Wave of Natural Continue reading SXSW 2018: The Future of AI Assistants

IA et RGPD : les liaisons dangereuses

Le développement de l’intelligence artificielle va provoquer quelques tensions avec le règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD). Transparence, droit à l’explication et consentement cristallisent les résistances. La protection des données personnelles est sans conteste le sujet du début … Plus de details