Student challenges kick off celebration of MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing

When MIT graduate student Matthew Claudel learned of the student computing challenges launched to accompany the three-day celebration of the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing that begins today, he eagerly signed on. “We were excited about extending the definition of computation and exploring how it might relate to the arts,” says Claudel, who is studying in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. The Computing Connections Challenges involved monthlong challenges with themes such as connecting arts, community, and computing, or using machine learning to explore cross-disciplinary topics including health care, transportation, privacy, ethics, architecture, design, commerce, finance, poverty, neuroscience, linguistics, and more. Other challenges involved the application of computing to finance and to the world of sports. Participants came from all five of the Institute’s schools, and a Computing Exposition today will include top entries from the challenges, as well as interactive demonstrations that illustrate the ways in which MIT is advancing Continue reading Student challenges kick off celebration of MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing