U.S. Clears Way for Antitrust Inquiries of Nvidia, Microsoft and OpenAI

The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission agreed to divide responsibility for investigating three major players in the artificial intelligence industry. More details

OpenAI Whistle-Blowers Describe Reckless and Secretive Culture

A group of current and former employees is calling for sweeping changes to the artificial intelligence industry, including greater transparency and protections for whistle-blowers. More details

Google’s A.I. Search Leaves Publishers Scrambling

Since Google overhauled its search engine, publishers have tried to assess the danger to their brittle business models while calling for government intervention. More details

Mark Zuckerberg is Popular Again Thanks to Meta’s Open-Source AI

After some trying years during which Mr. Zuckerberg could do little right, many developers and technologists have embraced the Meta chief as their champion of “open-source” artificial intelligence. More details